Friday 15 January 2010


Thanks to Facebooks recent privacy changes, I got to see that my ex-girlfriend's new boyfriend looks like a monkey. Seriously, an ugly guy. Makes me laugh.

Friday 11 December 2009

Merry Fucking Christmas

As I do every year, I'd like to wish everyone a Merry Fucking Christmas. The world's still the same big piece of shit it was last year, only more so. I'm going to attempt to ignore that for a week while I'm drinking myself into a coma on a beach in Thailand during the Christmas holidays. For those of you who cannot afford the luxury of a tropical island vacation, try and have yourself a merry little X-mas in your own way. Peace.

Wednesday 16 September 2009

Kanye West is a fucking douchbag.

I don't know what else there is to say about this moron that hasn't already been said this week. I would love if something like this could ruin his career, but people have very short memories and this just seems to be the way Americans are choosing to behave these days. Just look at Joe Wilson's outburst during Obama's speech (not a debate) last week. What a fucking redneck hillbilly, who unfortunately represents thousands of people who think his political grandstanding was justified because Americans, as I have mentioned before, are too stupid to understand the health care debate (racist screaming match). So fuck you Kanye. Fuck you and every other piece of shit child-mind who can't sit down and keep their big mouths shut while the adults are talking. Douchebag.

Monday 14 September 2009

I Fold.

I started playing Texas Hold-em poker on Facebook a few weeks ago, and quickly accumulated over $260,000 of imaginary money. It took hours and hours of sitting in front of my computer, playing hand after hand, and for really, no point whatsoever. I love the game, but I prefer to play it with friends in real life, sitting around having a few drinks, and generally being a social animal. So, after two or three weeks of it, I decided to give all the pretend money to a friend and remove the application, with the intention of trying to spend my recovered time on more worthwhile pursuits. To a certain extent, I feel like I've succeeded in that goal.

However, it just made me think about the millions of ways we are given to waste our time instead of doing things that would more productive. It's as though we're being presented with newer and shinier things, faster than we can get bored of the old ones, although we do get bored quickly of them. Facebook itself is an excellent example of time wasted, and the applications they offer, usually through third party creators, take us away from living real life, and eat away at the short time that we do have. Western governments love this shit. Why spend the time thinking about what's wrong with society, like why is your heart attack going to bankrupt your family, or why did the banks get bailed out again? They prefer you to spend your time conducting a mafia war in cyberspace, twittering to Ashton Kutcher, or creating cartoon pets. Most of these games and distractions are designed to have no end. They just keep going on and on and on, and then you're dead and you did nothing with your life. I don't want to end up on my death bed and be worried about what's going to happen to my pets in Pet Society. Neither should anyone else. Maybe the Luddites have it right. Technology is seriously mismanaged if it make us lose sight of the life we have, and leads us to focus on a life that we don't.

Thursday 3 September 2009

This is why we can't have nice stuff.....

Everytime I look at this picture, I chuckle at the idea of this poor mother screaming at her kids about something or other. Maybe they were fighting over the remote control. Maybe they were murdered by savages. Either way, life on Earth hasn't changed a whole hell of a lot.

Thursday 20 August 2009

Dreams and Nightmares

There are people and things that just never get out of your head, no matter how much time passes. God-damn it.

Wednesday 19 August 2009

The Party is Officially Over

Today is the last day of my vacation, so tomorrow I am back to work (not exactly as pictured, but close) and I won't have another long holiday until Christmas. I think I feel better than when I started my holiday, but it's hard to tell after having used my liver as a filter for about 30 bottles of vodka, quality hooch or otherwise. I expect further posts to grow steadily angrier and more bitter until Christmas, and I suspect there will be a huge outpouring of despair and misery when I turn 40 in September.

Monday 17 August 2009

Three Cheers for a Mutated Swine Flu

Over the past month or more I've had to watch these ridiculous town-hall meetings in the States where the American people have really shown themselves to be the complete fucking idiots they are. How utterly fucking dumb would you have to be to follow the likes of Glen Beck, Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh or anyone else on FOX that gets a daily soap-box on which to spew, not just lies, but dumb lies. Anyone with half a brain could see through the crap, but not most Americans, who believe in things like angels, aliens, and Jesus (less likely to have existed than the tooth fairy). But they stand up and scream, "Obama is turning my country into Russia. He's a socialist." If they weren't so god-damned fucking stupid, they would already realize that socialism already exists for the rich in America, hence the tax-payer bailout of the filthy banks and auto industries. The middle class and poor will never get rid of the boot of capitalism standing on their necks. They worry about the government running "death panels" deciding whether Grandma will get the help she needs, when the insurance companies they are fighting for already guarantee she won't. Partisan politics and racism towards a black president leaves the whole world tied to a dying empire sinking in quicksand. You'd think people who were smart enough to design missiles that fly down the chimneys of children's hospitals could get their heads out of their collective asses long enough to stop fighting about made up bullshit.

And the more I watch the 21st century turning into a de-enlightenment of sorts, the more I want to see every single human wiped off the face of the earth. What garbage the human race has turned out to be. Given all the resources and technology at our disposal to do good and help people, we have let a select few rule the roost. Those of us living in Oceania (read 1984) get to be distracted by the worst bullshit imaginable. American Idol, Paris Hilton, any reality television, FOX news, any news, beauty pageants, etc. Shit-coms are the worst. There is some funny TV out there (30 Rock, My Name is Earl, Flight of the Conchords), but mostly it's just the worst writing I've ever seen. One of my channels here runs something called Monday Night Laughs. The only thing they got right was that it's on Monday night. How I Met Your Mother, Kath and Kim , and Rita Rocks make me think there is a plot by the networks to make television so unwatchable, that people will only want the cheaper reality television that makes me want to shoot my TV in the face.

So what hope is there? The promise of a mutated swine flu (sorry...H1N1), an asteroid, global warming, earthquakes, zombies, 2012? Any one would be richly deserved, and I'm sure the cave dwelling survivors would immediately go to war over the right to the movie about the end of civilization once they reinvent film. Fuck you, America.

(Maybe I'd be in a better mood if unseasonably large storms in both Asia and the Americas hadn't cut me off from msn, facebook and several other websites I tend to frequent on a daily basis. I really need for this shit to get fixed)

Wednesday 29 July 2009

Tuesday 21 July 2009